ㅤ&& if the devil was to ever see you , he'd kiss your eyes && repent.ㅤ
ㅤenter the cafeㅤ
ㅤwelcome to heartwood cafeㅤ
ㅤheartwood · nounㅤ
heart·wood ˈhärt-ˌwu̇d
the older harder nonliving central wood of trees that is usually darker, denser, less permeable, and more durable than the surrounding sapwood
ㅤcafé rolesㅤ
ㅤcafé ownersㅤㅤ lucy and fox
ㅤvip café members twitch and discord vip
ㅤregularsㅤㅤsubscribers and supporters
ㅤcafé visitorsㅤㅤfollowers